EPD Week Twenty: LAUNCH


Today was the pitch day and the launch of our campaigns! I did an interpretation of my favorite character to cosplay [Logan from Sanders Sides] in order to pull to gather an outfit that made me look the part and also have a bit more confidence in the matter. When we launched, I blasted all social media at the same time.

The actual 90 second pitch was absolutely nerve wracking. I had arrived to class late due to having finished up the video for the campaign just beforehand, and I had not known that on top of making the slides and giving the small banter, it was a competition to see who in our class had the best pitch. Somehow… I won. It was a blur, but perhaps the glasses I wore prevented the audience and judges from seeing just how much of an anxious mess I was. Either way, I’m grateful, as $50 was put towards my campaign as a prize, as well as some cool bottle openers we all received from Ted.