Unum Cor

An entity, a simple sight
Of suited stature in dim light.
A tap of cane and stride in step,
Before one’s eyes the bowing wept.

Some wilted petals trail in tow,
And withered thorns rest just below.
The winds of change cause flora’s sway
To lean towards one that they obey.

And in the night, when all shall rest,
One watches through the waning crest.
But in this time, as shall be read,
What lies within one’s weary head?

From vision’s limit one shall find
A set of colors intertwined,
And in trifecta one shall see
A palette that pertains to thee.

Adaptive cloak of silvery blue
To illuminate the souls anew,
And yet in turn, and seeking still
Ways of this world in learning thrill.

Next to dance, just further back,
Is violet shade within the black.
Where cracks mend on a wary floor
To show the strength of something more.

And at the center, stronger red
With tints of violet still ahead;
Passion and wisdom at the core,
Power past this lone world’s door.

And for a chest that bears no drum,
A beat plays in a different hum.
The march of one who bears the might
Of guarding home in dead of night. 

But more than hues, I simply view
A kindred friend, and one that’s true.
Though times shall shift, and change is made,
I hope that this bond does not fade.~