Are we blind in black and white?
The world runs in color.
Things are not as they seem.
On the surface, we hover.
Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, Good and Evil
No pair is synonymous with another.
But our gaze is clouded with predisposed judgement
As all facades crack beyond the surface cover.
Light is not inherently good,
Not when it devoids us of what is true.
Darkness is not inherently evil,
Not when within, we learn something new.
Order is not inherently good.
Not when it controls the blind,
Not when it strips all thought,
Not when it kills off the mind.
Chaos is not inherently evil.
Not when it has perspectives changed,
Not when it is in moderation,
Not when it leads to sight rearranged.
To breathe the ice, to let the fire die,
Autonomous towards what we’ve been told.
That will not extinguish to what lies within,
For we can burn in both the hot and cold.
This world is not a room’s one way mirror.
’Tis multifaceted, iridescent, free.
As is each of us who walk upon it.
Greater than the surface of what we see.
So take this time to reflect deeper than the surface,
On duality’s humanity, in our shared space of home.
And before you speak or act in our world of color,
Think to see beyond the monochrome.