Unum Ingenium

Within the realm of tenebris, one explores uncharted time.
There is no sound, only the faintest of rings within one’s mind.
This is not the door of darkness, but is rather one of intrigue…
Of misunderstanding, of mystery… of a dimension unknown.

It is not for the weak of will or for the faint of heart,
For those that do not take caution are soon to be blind.
A world without light, but one must remain unafraid
In order to see that they can hold integrity for a new day.

To breathe the ice, let the fire die,
But not to such a place where it is cast away.
The struggle of balance in the name of what is “right”
Is one of patience, of time, of many drained nights.

The darkness has no heart, but those within remain alive.
Their drums pound amongst the silence, a simple biding of their time.
The tempo grows faster at every turn,
But one must allow for fear to fade if they are to ever learn.

So into this world one walks with head held high.
The static draws closer, enamored with the black.
And we remain with a faint ember of opposition,
Yet in moving without force… there will be no turning back.