Unum Vide

We gather in a circle; now let our tale commence
For those who know the rules, and of every consequence.
And to those unaware, no day remains the same,
For once you step inside… this is more than just a game.

The ballroom waits upon your entry, for you to take a chance;
A place of conversation, where lights and shadows dance.
The vines ensnare the premises, tethered yet untamed
For it is he who walks among them, his presence aptly named.

From lines of code to scripted text, the words of caution call
Upon those who listen quietly, if they can hear at all.
And as one spins from room to room, they need a careful eye
Through light of waning crescent moon, their gazes watch up high.

The luminance of pyre from candles neatly spaced
The burning logs of memory from within those misplaced.
And above the infinite, the fire shall not die;
Their light beckons the curious, who echo with their cry.

The sparks melt into petals, cast forth into the night;
The flames bloom into flora, kept in the line of sight.
Now walk amongst the garden, for in there you shall find
Those of various walks of life, yet all still intertwined.

A single tear, a bead of sweat, a drop of blood or ichor welled,
What sacrifice might just be made if any is to keep them quelled.
Within the upper parlour’s forces, some strike a deal with one,
But be wary of this practice… for it cannot be undone.

For within the infinite, this home will know your place;
As we dance within this circle, one’s words cannot erase.
Even if they are simply spoken, knowledge is quickly sent
And to those who are reckless, they see through what is meant.

But we hope you enjoy our stay, within chaos contained.
Whilst wandering this property, power is unrestrained.
And as is simply spoken here, we have fulfilled our deed.
So come forward, one and all… Welcome to Manoir Vide.~