EPD Week Two: Concepts for the Small and Broad


There was one thing I knew for sure when mulling over ideas for my quickstarter and bigger kickstarter for EPD: I was not going to make anything functional. Purposeful, yes… but not something that had a household function or solved an everyday problem. That just is not the kind of work I am built for.

I wanted to make something more along the lines of an aesthetic purpose, but also towards something that I could truly stand behind. After all, we are set to work on these campaigns over the entire school year. I could not make it arbitrary. If I was going to go for something conceptual, then I wanted to be something bigger than myself.

So, I instead turned my thoughts to who has been my support system: My friends and immediate family. In this reflection, I realized that one thing in common with most of them was that they were LGBTQ+ or in support of that community. It was an entire spectrum all supporting of one another. Yet, many of them have faced hardships for their identities and orientations. A few of them not even out of the closet yet…

That, in turn, was how Spectris became my centralized concept.