EPD Week One Reflection: Here We Go!


It was time for my first Professional Practice Track [PPT] class. Every senior at UIC for design has to take one, and the choice on what they assign you is final.

Luckily for me, I got my first choice in classes I wanted.

EPD stands for “Entrepreneurial Product Development”, and all I knew about this class was that we were to make our own Kickstarter for a project of our own design. Out of all the classes, EPD was the choice in terms of creating my own work on my own terms without the restrictions of a “client” or the mundane droll of assignments revolving around topics I cared little for.

This class, however, like all PPT classes, is six hours long. Approximately 1 PM–7 PM every Thursday, and I was prepared for it to drag like heck. Lucky for me, it did not! This class had been able to keep me engaged, and actually made me look forward to the work ahead.