EPD Week Eight: Manufacturer Adventure!


As a class, we have been working on sketches and concepts for our upcoming, big projects. As noted previously, I wish to expand upon the idea of Spectris into a wider collection of accessory items. While I have had many ideas in mind, making rings was definitely a standout. Ted [my professor] had sent me out to explore Jeweler’s Row on Wabash Avenue in downtown Chicago for the remainder of class so that I would have a chance to do some exploring with the people there for ideas on what to execute before the shops all closed.

I quickly left, hopping on the train and riding down to Monroe before walking the rest of the way [after, of course, getting a bit lost due to my buggy GPS and horrid sense of direction]. Once I made it to the jeweler’s mall, I took a brief look at the massive list of stores and made my way to the closest one that could do custom jewelry on the second floor. Alas, they spoke about needing a business ID /  being a business entity for larger projects… and based on the lost expression I had, that clearly was not the way to go.

Luckily, one of the guys came to my rescue! He told me to come with him, leading me down a hall and into one of the other facilities still remodeling [as the place is currently under construction]. There I met someone who was able to finally understand what I was going to need for this kickstarter. As per the current plan, the rings are going to be made of silver and colorized with acrylic enamel. I have the basic design downpayment, and cost per unit will boil down to how many units I am going to need in the future.

I finally feel as if I am taking a step in the right direction.