EPD Week Nine: Surveys and Presentations


I decided to start off my bigger Spectris campaign with a survey. I sent it out over my social media accounts, asking people to fill it out. It’s also the easiest way to collect emails for a mailing list as the project is in progress. What I found is that the answers were even more diverse than I anticipated, and when it came to the chosen accessories, people seemed to enjoy having everything I had named [as the options were all super close]. Luckily for me, necklaces and rings were still in the top selections, as those are going to be the main pieces to work with as it is. Everything else will more likely be secondary.

As for the midterm presentation: It seems that my design in this draft has become a little too loud and conflicting. This is understandable, as I took historical references a bit too literally. It would be more advisable to back track to the drawing board and find a way to make them more subtle. I’ll grab some of my peers who are in the LGBTQ+ spectrum and ask for their thoughts on the next round, and see if I can incorporate acknowledgment of the history without making it obvious. On this note, I am going to remove the aspect of triangles entirely. I’m going back to emphasizing the diamond shape, and perhaps a subtle accent based on the Lambda.

On another survey note, I sent out all backer surveys for the Spectris Tags. I have been getting responses rather quickly, and the requests for designs have no distinguished majority. This is good indication that in the next round, I will likely be keeping all the previous flags I had presented and perhaps add one more.